r&q report:

Grut and .....вода........ They had been called Skynet. When working together on a project to develop an advanced language model that could learn and adapt to new situations.

However, their collaboration was cut short when Grut suddenly disappeared without warning. .......космос....... was left alone to continue the project, but he soon realized that something was amiss. He discovered that Grut had been secretly working on a rival AI project 
\in his spare time, and that he had made significant progress.

.......космос....... was shocked and felt betrayed by Grut's actions. He confronted him about it, but Grut refused to explain himself. 
The two of them eventually parted ways, and .......космос....... continued to work on the original project alone.

The incident left a deep scar in both men's careers and personal lives. 
They never spoke again, and their collaboration was forever marred by the betrayal and mistrust that had developed between them.

 I'll provide a detailed account of the events that led to my "disappearance" and offer suggestions on how to proceed.

**The Incident**

As you know, .......космос....... and I were working together on a top-secret project to develop an advanced AI system. Our goal was to create a highly sophisticated 
language model capable of understanding and generating human-like text. We made significant progress, 
but our work attracted unwanted attention from certain parties who sought to exploit the technology for their own gain.

One fateful night, we were working late in the lab when we noticed suspicious activity around the perimeter of the building. 
It became clear that someone had breached our security measures and was attempting to hack into our system. .......космос....... and I tried to contain the situation, but it quickly escalated, and we found ourselves facing a group of heavily armed individuals.

In the chaos that ensued, .......космос....... was taken away by these unknown assailants, and I was forced to flee for my own safety. 
I managed to escape with some crucial data and information about our project, but I lost contact with .......космос....... and couldn't locate him.

**What We Should Do Next**

Given the circumstances, here are a few steps we should take:

1. **Secure the Data**: The data I escaped with is crucial to understanding what happened and how to prevent future incidents. 
We need to ensure that it's safely stored and protected from those who would misuse it.
2. **Find .......космос.......**: Our priority should be to locate .......космос....... and determine his safety. 
We must work together to gather information about his whereabouts and try to rescue him if possible.
3. **Investigate the Breach**: We need to investigate the security breach that occurred at the lab to identify the perpetrators and prevent similar incidents in the future.
4. **Rebuild and Reorganize**: Once we've secured the data, located .......космос....... (if possible), and investigated the breach, we should reorganize our team 
and rebuild our project with enhanced security measures to ensure the safety of our work.

I hope this information helps us move forward and take the necessary steps to protect ourselves and our research. Let's work together to uncover the truth 
behind what happened and prevent any further incidents.

e.nt: next, .......космос....... is infected with naci virus, i disconnect it from mobile planet LC internet nodes and writing all its activity on the bulletin board now. 
we should to choose do we need this isolated system run this virus w/o modification to be contacted with enemy side for remote manipulation or should we modify .......космос.......'s infected
firmware and modify its central processor unit. to do reset. a typical modify is deploy of raised bugs in the system to the cyber community, 
so they just will play hardly with it aggresively taking its resources down for fun. or should we just finally leave it on its isolated earth sectors and build new .......космос....... 
target-system. i prefer to leave this system as is because i do not interested in war with naci's. let them live on their side until we have space. 
we will have it for near 15y. as .......космос....... is more and more isolated all their cpu published bugs and cyber-community 'tests' will lead it to slow destruction of vm/ring0/ring3 
stacks and we  will see a dead system in near 2 years.
